Tamara Morris
Tammy came from a fractured family, and entered the foster system at 8. She joined our family at 10.
A self-reliant tomboy, she quickly made friends in the neighborhood and settled into elementary school,
where she was a fairly good student. When it came time for middle school, AISD decided that students
from our neighborhood should be bussed across town rather than attending the school two blocks from our
home (an experiment that thankfully ended before the boys reached middle school), so we enrolled her at
St. Andrew's Episcopal School for middle school. She made the transition easily.
For high school, she returned to the neighborhood school, Anderson. In addition to maintaining her grades
(key to driving privileges once she turned 16), she worked at assorted jobs, from HEB to Lady
Footlocker. She had a flair for interior design, and served an internship with a local studio. As she
turned 18, she was able to regain contact with her birth brother, Eddie, who lives in another state.
Tamz entered Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, with a major of "perhaps" interior design.
But after 5 semesters, she dropped out to get married to David Morris, whom she had met in Nacogdoches, and
found work as a secretary. She and David soon had two children, Ariel and Dylan, now 14 and 10. Both
children are bright and active; both are heavily involved with soccer. Recently, Tamz and David joined
an adult just-for-fun soccer league - it features a minimum age of 30.
Meanwhile, Tamz felt that it was time to decide what she wanted to be when she grew up. Involvement
with her children helped point the way. She went back to SFA part-time (while working full-time), and
received her Bachelor's in Sociology in December, 2008. She completed her elementary teacher credentials
and student teaching, and is now a full-fledged teacher of first grade students in the Nacogdoches Independent School District.
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